Uterine Fibroids Can Be Treated With Utmost Success

Fibroids in the uterus are growths that are not cancerous and show up in women early in their life (often between the ages of 20-35). Many females have uterine fibroids, even though they do not necessarily recognize that they have them because often there are no symptoms. Commonly fibroids are located inadvertently during routine pelvic exams or prenatal ultrasound. If they don't cause any symptoms, no treatments are called for. However, if a lady feels discomfort or pain from them, then surgery or medical therapy can help to shrink or eliminate them. When there is a sudden and sharp pain or if there is menstrual bleeding that continues too long, then surgery may be required. Other symptoms of fibroids include heavier bleeding than normally throughout menstruation, bladder issues, frequent urination, constipation, and back and pelvic pain.

When To See A Gynecologist

A girl must pursue help from her gynecologist if they have the following fibroids symptoms: spotting or bleeding that occurs between periods, pain in the pelvic area that will not go away, painful or heavy periods, intercourse pain, bowel problems and not being able to empty one's bladder. No one knows precisely what causes fibroids. Nonetheless, some studies have found a link between fibroids and hormones or other chemicals, such as insulin. It is also known that being overweight and being unhealthy or diseased with some tumor previously can increase the risk of developing fibroids. On the other hand, being pregnant, having children, and oral contraceptives looks to help in decreasing the risk. If you suspect that you have fibroids there are some things you need to accomplish. First of all, make notes about the symptoms you are experiencing.

Knowing The Line Of Treatment For Fibroids

You also should note down all medications and supplements you are using regularly, and just how much and often you are taking them. Finally, before your visit to a physician, try to think some questions you want to ask about fibroids. You must know everything essential about the condition. Understanding it better helps you not to stress too much about it. To confirm whether there are fibroids your gynecologist may order an ultrasound. An ultrasound is an exam that is painless and uses sound waves to clarify if there are fibroids. It furthermore helps in determining the dimension and shape of them. Other tests that help with this condition are Hyster sonography and Hysteroscopy. It is also important to note that many fibroids in the womb are harmless. However, if the patient experiences pain and discomfort, this is when further action needs to be taken.


Uterine fibroid can cause infertility in women but with the right treatment and seeking guidance from the right gynecologist in Delhi. The patient shouldn’t panic in case the symptoms are observed, and should consult her gynecologist.

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Dr. Nisha Jain is one of the top-notch gynecologists in Delhi who has been treating a number of cases.


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